February 21, 2025

The Notre Dame football team’s hire of Ja’Juan Seider apparently came at a high cost.

That should come as no surprise given that the Irish had to go grab him from Penn State. However, how much Seider is paid may surprise you, if only because he is one of, if not the highest-paid assistant coaches in the sport.

According to Football Scoop, the Notre Dame football team signed Seider to a seven-figure contract. While there are no information on his salary, if he earns more than $1 million per year, he would likely rank third on the whole Irish staff, behind offensive coordinator Mike Denbrock and incoming defensive coordinator Chris Ash. Denbrock received a significant pay increase to come to South Bend last year, while Ash’s contract is likely to be equivalent to Al Golden’s before to leaving for the Cincinnati Bengals.

Notre Dame football gives Seider a massive contract

If Seider gets the contract he’s expecting, he’ll be paid significantly more than former running back Deland McCullough was last year.

The former Irish coach was one of the highest-paid position coaches in the sport in 2024, earning over $725,000 per year. However, Ja’Jaun Seider reportedly earns at least $325,000 more each year than McCullough.


Tim Hyde reacts to Notre Dame hiring RB coach Ja'Juan Seider


Assuming the rumor is correct, Seider’s deal is another indication that the Notre Dame football club is eager to spend huge money to remain ahead of the competition and win another title game.

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